The better way to book talent

The folks who founded TalentBookr believed that there was a better way to find, access and book someone to perform for an event.

Previously, you’d have a hard time sourcing the talent, let alone slogging through a convoluted booking process.

It was time consuming and frustrating. The industry needed something better. Starting with a small, visionary team based in both Melbourne and Auckland, we set out on a mission: to make booking talent better, more secure and easier for everyone.

Our Process

We started by working out the key info people needed when searching for entertainment. One of our team’s main goals was for them to enjoy the process, instead of it feeling like a chore.

We wanted our users to feel like they were making a solid, informed decision, instead of flying blind and just ‘hoping’ a booking works out.

On the artist/performer side, we wanted to give them a chance to find the best audience for the talents they work so hard to perfect, as well as giving them a fair chance to earn a living through a safe, secure platform. In the few short months TalentBookr has been active, we’ve managed to gather a huge crowd of diverse performers who can’t wait to show their skills.

The next phase

We’ll keep refining our platform, adding new features and streamlining the booking process to connect event performers to their perfect audience.

We’ll also be utilising feedback from both our users and the industry to make TalentBookr THE number one destination for easy, hassle-free entertainment bookings. We’re beyond excited to see what comes next!